A diet supplement that can burn fat and also act as a sleep aid. Sculpt Nation Burn PM is a high profile fat burning weight loss supplement that is sold directly on the manufacturers website. How does it work? Does is cause side effects and how does it compares to other similar fat burners.

SculptNation Burn PM Review Summary: A fat burning pill that can also help user sleep. It also contains an appetite suppressant for reducing huger and food cravings.
Pros: Made by a reputable company, some decent ingredients, not expensive.
Cons: The fat burning ingredients are not the greatest mix or formula when compared to some of the market leaders. Refunds (if needed) have proven difficult in some cases according to customer feedback.
It is our recommendation to choose a fat burner and appetite suppressant such as PhenQ fat burner. It is currently the weight loss supplement that is setting the bar.
Burn PM Review
Nighttime fat burners are very common and popular. If you are seeking this type of product, Burn PM is one of the options available to you. It’s part of a range of dietary supplements made in the USA by Sculpt Nation.
Sculpt Nation is a trading name used by VShred. The company is based in California and provides a variety of health and wellness programs that primarily consist of videos, PDFs, and online coaching via the VShred website.
The VShred website encourages its visitors to use Sculpt Nation supplements alongside its body improvement programs.
Interestingly, the supplement site is not geared to sending traffic the other way.

What Is Burn PM Fat Burner and How Does It Work?
Like all the other nighttime fat burners on the market, Burn PM is designed to increase thermogenesis and help you to burn fat and lose weight while you are asleep.
The fat burning pills are also designed to improve sleep quality. Again, this is a feature most competing products share.
Thermogenesis is the process that generates heat within the body. Fat burning supplements that increase thermogenesis boost metabolism by causing you to bleed extra energy from your body as heat.
Most fat burners increase thermogenesis. However, Burn PM is designed to further enhance fat loss by producing favorable hormonal changes.
The two hormones in question are cortisol and leptin.
Cortisol is a stress hormone that has been linked with weight gain. Although stress is the main thing that elevates cortisol, lack of sleep can do it too.
High cortisol may increase sugar cravings. According to Sculpt Nation, it increases fat storage too.
Although Sculpt Nation is keen to have its site visitors believe its dietary supplement will produce changes in cortisol that may aid weight loss, it is a controversial claim to make.
In October 2004, The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) took action over similar claims made for a product named CortiSlim, warning the manufacturer its claims could not be supported.
The manufacturer changed its claims and went out of business.
Leptin is a hunger-suppressing hormone that’s manufactured in the body’s fat cells.
Excess body fat produces increases in leptin that should prevent further weight gain and obesity. Unfortunately, many people develop leptin resistance. This prevents the hormone from doing its job. It also slows metabolism.
Sculpt Nation describes leptin as a fat-melting hormone. That’s a dramatic claim but there’s a lack of research to support the value of supplements that improve leptin sensitivity.
Sculpt Nation Burn PM Fat Burner Benefits
- Improves sleep, recovery, and energy levels
- Shuts down the fat-producing cortisol hormone
- Helps you torch fat all night long without feeling jittery
- Mobilizes fat stores and destroys them fast
Burn PM Usage Guidelines
The SculptNation website fails to provide any usage guidelines. However, Burn PM is a nighttime fat burner so it seems probably you take it just before going to bed and the label makes it clear the dose is two capsules.
Who Can Use Sculpt Nation Burn PM Fat Burner
Burn PM fat burner has gelatin in the capsule shell so, if you are vegan or vegetarian, this won’t be the right nighttime fat burner for you.
As is the case with all food supplements, women who are pregnant or nursing a child should take the precaution of getting their doctor’s approval before using Burn PM.
Anyone who has existing health issues or would need to use the supplement alongside medication should also get their doctor’s approval before using Burn PM.
Burn PM Ingredients & Fat Burning Supplement Potential
Each (2-capsule) serving of Burn PM provides:
- Vitamin D (60 mcg)
- Raspberry Ketones (300 mg)
- White Kidney Bean Extract (300 mg)
- Green Coffee Bean Extract (260 mg)
- Dandelion Root Powder (200 mg)
- L-Tryptophan (80 mg)
- Saffron Bulb Extract (10 mg)
- Melatonin (5.4 mg)
- Lemon Bulb [Aerial Parts] Extract (4 mg)
Sculpt Nation makes a lot of ambitious claims for this fat burning supplement and, at first glance, it appears to be providing evidence to back them up. Look a little harder and you’ll see it is all whitewash.
Although the ingredient information has lots of numbers in brackets that suggest there may be links to studies at the bottom of the page, when you scroll down, there is nothing there.
However, let’s take a look at the benefits the ingredients are likely to provide.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is an important fat-soluble vitamin that aids immune function and testosterone production.
Sculpt Nation is using it here because it allegedly plays a major role in leptin production and there is a link between Vitamin D deficiency and fat gain.
Research suggests the latter may be true because there is a high prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency among obese people. However, the deficiency is very common right across the board so that may not say much.
As for the link between Vitamin D and leptin, research shows an “inverse association.” That is a confusing way of saying higher does are not beneficial. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27966571/
Raspberry Ketones
Raspberry ketone is a fruit phenol that increases adiponectin levels. Adiponectin is a fat-burning hormone.
Raspberry ketone is also associated with appetite suppression. However, although the dose provided here looks okay, good results require the genuine fruit extract. It’s incredibly expensive so many manufacturers use a synthetic form.
Unfortunately, the cheaper version lacks potency and it seems highly likely that’s the form being used here.
White Kidney Bean Extract
White kidney bean extract can help reduce calorie intake by reducing the amount of calories the body gets from carbs. Unless you plan on stuffing yourself with high-carb food before bed, its presence here adds no real value.
Green Coffee Bean Extract
Research shows green coffee bean extracts can reduce fat accumulation and weight gain in mice. That does not prove it will do the same for humans. A common ingredient in most fat burners and present in Sculpt Nation Burn PM fat burning pill.
However, the chlorogenic acid in green coffee beans can regulate insulin and blood glucose levels. This may help prevent sugar and carb cravings and the dose here is okay.
Dandelion Root Powder
Dandelion can help prevent bloating but it is generally more highly favored for its abilities as a diuretic. Taking a substance that makes you pee more does not seem like a great move before going to bed.
L-tryptophan is an amino acid that may have a beneficial influence on melatonin and serotonin.
The study that suggests this used high doses of L-tryptophan (1-5 grams) delivered by intravenous injection. The dose provided here may not be high enough and it is delivered orally.
Saffron Bulb Extract
Research suggests 176.5 mg of saffron extract, taken twice per day, can reduce snacking.
Is the 10 mg provided here likely to do the same thing? We’ll let you decide that for yourself.
Melatonin Sleep Aid
Melatonin is a hormone that helps manage sleep and waking cycles. Despite the things supplement manufacturers would have you believe, research is not wholly supportive of the value of melatonin in supplements. It is a main focus of SculptNation Burn PM.
Lemon Bulb [Aerial Parts] Extract
Lemon Balm is a popular herbal insomnia remedy. However, although doses of 300-600 mg are effective, the 4 mg dose Burn PM provides is insignificant enough to be pitiful.
Potential Sculpt Nation Burn PM Side Effects
Sculpt Nation does not mention any side effects and, other than an increased need to pee, negative issues seem unlikely.
Where to Buy Sculpt Nation Burn PM – Availability & Pricing
You can only buy Burn PM via the Sculpt Nation official website. As is the case with many dietary supplements you can buy online, the site provides the choice of buying a single bottle of Burn PM or placing a larger order and getting a discount.
The following price information was correct at the time of this review (2022).
- 1 x Bottle of Burn PM – $49.00 (per bottle)
- 3 x Bottles of Burn PM – $44.00 (per bottle)
- 6 x Bottles of Burn PM – $32.50 (per bottle)
However, the Sculpt Nation website encourages customers to buy a single bottle via auto-ship. We use the term “encourages” because it is the default option when you arrive on the page.
The auto-ship price is $41 per bottle. Although a tempting option, we advise against it.
Whenever you buy supplements via auto-ship, you are agreeing to receive regular top-ups. In this case, that will be a fresh bottle of Burn PM every month. The process is 100% automated and involves monthly repeat payments being applied to the card you used when placing the initial order.
The savings can be enticing, but auto-ship agreements are often difficult to cancel. To make matters worse, people who enter into the agreements often do so accidentally.
Is there a Money-Back Guarantee on Burn PM?
Burn PM is sold with the promise of a “100% Lifetime Money-Back Guarantee.”
That sounds great but try to contain your enthusiasm. Complaints placed with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) suggest getting a refund from VShred/Sculpt Nation may be a challenging endeavor.
Sculpt Nation Burn PM Reviews and Customer Feedback
We were unable to find any reliable sources of Burn PM customer reviews.
Burn PM Review Conclusion
Burn PM provides ingredients that may support modest improvements in fat loss by increasing metabolism. There may be additional benefits as well but any benefits users experience are unlikely to be due to leptin and cortisol manipulation.
The lack of respected appetite suppressants is also an issue. If nighttime hunger is an issue for you, this product is unlikely to offer much help.
The formulation could be greatly improved by adding some glucomannan. It is one of the best natural appetite suppressants in the world.
It would also be good to see some capsicum or green tea extract to boost metabolism. As a fat burner, Burn PM falls well short of the mark.
With so many alternative nighttime fat burners to compete with, it is surpassing Sculpt Nation has not made more of an effort with this one. There are better fat burners and diet pills options available.
Similar Fat Burners and Weight Loss Pills to SculptNation Burn PM
- Envy Night Time Fat Burner – a fat burning pill that aids fat loss and also provides powerful natural sleep enhancers.
- Hydroxycut Black – popular weight loss pill that has been on the market for many years.
- Jacked factory Burn XT Black – a thermogenic fat burner that can also act as an appetite suppressant.
- Dr Emil Bedtime Burn – a fat burning supplement that can also help user get a restful night sleep